5 Books Your Little Girl is Guaranteed to Love
After the rush to get the kids fed and get them ready for bed, it us finally both yours and theirs favourite part of the day: story time. In a world that has become increasingly infatuated with technology, there still remains a time and a place for reading as your kids snuggle up to you as you turn the pages of their newest storybook.
Reading stories has become a part of many families bedtime routines as it enables all children to access new parts of their imagination, with younger readers in particular being able to gain an insight into different universes and worlds that then play a key role in their cognitive development. The benefits of reading for children are numerous, in fact, the younger age that they start at, the better.
Benefits of Reading
Not only does reading aloud support aid the development of language and literacy skills in young children, it can then empower children to broaden their knowledge and allow them to improve their communication skills as their vocabulary extends.
This can then lead to them developing confidence and independence as they break down unknown words which can also have a knock-on improvement in other subjects that they take in school.
Furthermore, reading doesn’t just provide benefits for your child, it can benefit you too! The special time you spend reading together promotes bonding and helps to build your relationship.
We’ve gone through our 5 favourite books that we think are essential reading for your little girl.
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Sharing stories with your child doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to read. Just with the act of looking at books with your child, you can be a great storyteller and a good model for them on how to use their language and engage with books. Your child will learn by watching you hold a book the right way and seeing how you move through the book by gently turning the pages.
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